Suffocate for Fuck Sake
Suffocate For Fuck Sake is a Swedish band creating music combining post-rock, sludge, and emotional vocals resembling those of Louise Cyphre or Mihai Edrisch. The band describes their sound as "Sigur Rós, Breach, Cult of Luna, Mono, Mogwai, all playing at the same time". In their 2008 masterpiece, "Blazing Fires and Helicopters on the Front Page of the Newspaper. There's a War Going On and I'm Marching in Heavy Boots", the samples/story follows a girl
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Suffocate for Fuck Sake
Suffocate For Fuck Sake is a Swedish band creating music combining post-rock, sludge, and emotional vocals resembling those of Louise Cyphre or Mihai Edrisch. The band describes their sound as "Sigur Rós, Breach, Cult of Luna, Mono, Mogwai, all playing at the same time". In their 2008 masterpiece, "Blazing Fires and Helicopters on the Front Page of the Newspaper. There's a War Going On and I'm Marching in Heavy Boots", the samples/story follows a girl
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